He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.
Psalm 91:1-2, New King James Version
Welcome to April 2023: Our Month of Dwelling in the Secret Place
This month is declared as our month of Dwelling in the Secret Place across our churches worldwide.
The grace to abide in the Secret Place of the Most High is released unto you.
Nothing will take you away from His Presence all the days of your life.
Deeper communion with the Almighty will be your desire and delight from this day forward.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, you shall be strengthened with might in your inner man to do His will continually.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, deeper revelations of His glory shall be your experience.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, you shall be changed from glory to glory.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, your eyes of understanding shall be enlightened.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, you shall become more and more like Him in character and your daily dealings.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, you shall experience a fresh dimension of God’s power for all-round victory.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, you shall be rooted and grounded in His love.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, you shall carry the reality of His Presence everywhere you go.
As you wait on Him in the secret place, unusual access to treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places of the earth are yours in Jesus’ mighty name.
As the Lord was with Joseph and he prospered in a strange land, so shall be your testimony no matter where you find yourself on this planet.
Because the Almighty is with you, victory is your portion all the way this year and beyond.
Read more: Sermon Recap – Stuck on Praise

From today, your life is hidden in Christ with God. No evil is permitted around you and your household.
As you dwell under the shadow of the Almighty, no arrow of the wicked against you shall prosper.
Because the eternal God is your dwelling place, all through this year and beyond, you and your household are well secured under His Everlasting Arms.
The Angel of His presence will keep you safe in all your ways.
Because the Lord is your refuge and fortress, your habitation shall be peaceful and restful. Nothing will interrupt your joy.
Nothing missing, nothing broken in your life and family from this day forward.
Perfect peace shall be your daily experience.
Indeed, your season of the rich and satisfying life is here in Jesus’ mighty name.
So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International worldwide because we will dwell continually in His secret place in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.